Supporting the local community

We are thrilled to announce our support for A.G.A.P.HA ONLUS – Claun Vip Lago d’Iseo OdV by providing a specially equipped vehicle for community transport. We are always eager to participate in projects that benefit people and the community in the simplest way possible. Let’s continue spreading positivity and good vibes together! 🌟🌈

Energy Assessment: Done!

Energy analysis

We have completed our first complete energy assessment with an independent audit from a third party A2A Energy solutions. This is part of our ongoing commitment to understanding our impact as a company and help us identify strategies to reduce as much as possible. We would like to thank Confindustria Brescia for including us in […]

Our 2023 ESG score

Our ESG score for 2023 saw a significant 14% increase vs 2022 according to an assessment executed by an independent third party. As part of our ongoing dedication to being a responsible corporate entity within the local and broader community, towards our employees and the environment, we work hard to continue making progress in the […]

Proud to support women in STEM

Women in Stem

We have had Alice with us for a 3 month internship working in the lab and on her thesis. This is one of the small steps highlighting our commitment to supporting women in STEM. The world won’t change overnight, we have to continue doing it one step at a time. “I carried out my internship […]

Contributing towards a circular economy

Here at Chemical Newtech, we have always recognized and valued the importance of playing a positive and impactful role. For the past 16 years, we have been committed to making a difference. We understand that after over 150 years of linear economy, it is time for a change. That’s why we have embraced the concept […]

Chemical Newtech S.p.a Code of Ethics

L.D. 231/2001 Legislative Decree no. 231, dated 8 June 2001, introduced into the Italian system the administrative liability of Companies for certain offences perpetrated, in their own interest or for their own benefit, by their directors, employees and/or representatives in general, together with the related monetary and prohibitive sanctions to be imposed upon the Companies […]